Have you ever thought about joining a community garden, wanted to learn more about organic or edible gardening, wanted to connect with your local community or perhaps you are just looking for a little ‘green therapy’ within the urban environment? At Jane Street, we are always looking for more dedicated and like-minded people to help keep this beautiful space alive.

We also understand that it can be daunting to first join a community garden. As a volunteer, we expect no long-term commitments, prior experience or gardening knowledge. A positive attitude and an interest in gardening is more than enough to get you started. We provide gloves and tools, so all you need to bring are gardening-appropriate clothes.

Without volunteers, Jane Street Community Garden would not exist. Therefore, we aim to provide a mutual relationship, where you benefit from your time at the garden as much as we do.


  • Volunteer at the working bees whenever you are available with no minimum commitment

  • Learn how to garden by principles of permaculture and organic farming

  • Join our social activities, get to know your community and make new friends

  • Improve your health and wellbeing by getting outdoors in the sun, engaging in physical activity and reducing stress

  • Learn about ways to live sustainably in an urban environment through waste minimisation, composting and water usage techniques that can be used by people in their own home

  • A share in produce, seedlings and discounts to workshops and events as a small thank you for your time, effort and commitment.

How to become a volunteer

  • Fill out the Member Survey below: This allows us to learn more about you, what you are looking for in a community garden and how we can best facilitate our local community.
    It is required that all participants of the garden complete the survey and accept the terms and conditions for safety and insurance reasons

garden survey

Create your own user feedback survey